Tuesday, September 6, 2011

tales of a fourth grade nothing...

The smell of chlorine in the air has been replaced with the smell of fear and freshly sharpened pencils. Yes, ladies and gentlemen - school is back in session.  For someone whose been out of school for...ahem...a while, I still feel a longing to go out and buy school supplies. And new clothes. Why is this? A Pavlovian response? I'm sure everyone has their tales of school - the good and the bad. I can still remember my 7th grade English teacher, Mr. Brinson, and the fat roll on the back of his head and the way he would say "riki tiki tavi". Ugh...just writing those words gave me a chill.

I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day and that you gave each one of your wardrobe pieces a grand salute as you put them away. As the wide leg seersucker pants went into the back of the closet last night, I thought I heard them silently cry. Mother nature tried really hard to make me give up my white jeans a few days early, but I stood tall and showed her who was boss. 

The class clowns in DC, known as Congress, returned today.  It's raining. Summer is officially over.  And I am depressed.  I need a beach and sunshine to remedy this immediately.


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