Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I'm international bitches!

I'm still only about 80% sure of what I'm doing on this blog. I still haven't figured out how to add a video off of youtube (help please?) and I'm still playing with fonts and color schemes (comments appreciated). However, while searching the tabs last week I came across a "stats" tab. After talking about the stats with Benihana, we both were impressed about my huge Alaska following. Then I figured out that Alaska counts as USA and no one in AK is reading me...yet.
But whoa boy...check out my numbers from Germany, Singapore and India...and to my black heart's delight, the UK. Yes y'all, the british have invaded and everyone knows how I love a good high tea. However, this all could be explained by my friend Snepp in Afghanistan (HOLLER) because their server rotates around the mid-east and europe. But maybe not...maybe I'm catching on with my write ups regarding the teevee, though I swear I do more than lie around watching the telly. True story.

If I'm not reading this right, please tell me so I don't make a fool of myself anymore than I've already have...



1 comment:

maria said...

ummmmm...hold up here. AM I BENIHANA?!?!?!?